Fashion & 2021

Hi Wonderful Friend!

First of all, a BIG apology for being M.I.A. for the last few months. I am working on a very exciting offering I will be sharing with you next week! Stay tuned and check your email on Thursday!

For today’s tip, I want to share with you a post-pandemic mindset I discussed last week with some of my favorite peeps. Debbie Phillips invited me to speak at the monthly Women on Fire chat to help her members figure out what to wear after a year+ of sweatpants and leggings. If you are a WOF member, please check out the chat on the member archive. If you aren’t a member, please join! WOF

For years and years fashion was dictated. Powerful editors and stylists would steer the industry and craft trends representing the current times and their personal preferences. It was a machine and it caught our attention by being bold and making us feel we needed to buy something in order to be included in the club.

Think of the power shoulder pads, perms and bright colors of the 80’s. Change to the grungy flannels, dirty hair and oversized jeans of the 90’s. Radically different. Constructed to lead you back to the store, open your wallet and get with the program. It was designed to create a want and a feeling of being part of the new. It made fashion relevant, it made money and in an odd way, it created a jolt and hope and a feeling of a collective future. Those times are over. The fashion machine was failing before Covid and now it has officially broken down.

EVERYTHING IS IN. Truly. Wear whatever you want. There are no rules and trends are now 20-second TikTok’s where eyebrows are shaved on the far ends and re-drawn about an inch higher (Fox Brow).

What does this mean for you? This means you need to create your own jolt. Shake up your own fashion world by infusing some energy and change into what you have been doing. Needless you say? No, what we wear matters and how we feel matters even more. We have all been wearing the pandemic and now it is time shake ourselves out of the rut we are all in.

What gets your attention? A sexy oversized pantsuit? Silky jumpsuit? Heels??? Whatever it is, find it and go in that direction. Let it take you to what is next for YOU.

For me, bold prints caught my eye. Busayo to be exact. Something to wake up my soul. Feel alive again and live. What is yours?




ps- Figuring out YOU is what I do. If you need help, contact me.

Eli Dagostino

Eli is a former child actor (SNL, Blues Clues), photographer (Vanity Fair,, People) and speaker (Squarespace, MET Museum, MarieTV). Eli now acts as the primary Product Designer on a B2B team at The Knot Worldwide.

Eli is an expert adviser when addressing those wishing to grow their brands.” — Ceylan Conger, B2B Strategy at Meta (former Etsy, Amazon, Squarespace and Spotify)


What would your dream wardrobe look like?