What would your dream wardrobe look like?

Hi Wonderful Friend!

Did you know the state of your closet best represents the state of your mind? Keep reading until the end of this tip and I will give you one way to improve your closet mindset immediately!

If you feel overwhelmed and frustrated by too many clothes every morning or depressed by the lack of variety, you are wasting a lot of energy by starting your day off with negative feelings.

Add the pandemic to that equation and most of you are just getting by at the moment. Not really enjoying getting ready for the day, just getting through it. Lean into this frustration and see this as a time to birth a new approach to what you wear.

As I mentioned last week, fashion is about YOU now. The machine of fashion “in and outs” is out of steam and going inward to discover what excites YOU and only YOU is what matters.

In my new CLOSET REBIRTH, I come to your home, edit what doesn’t work, mix and match what does and in one week to ten days, we create the wardrobe of your dreams. This is an exhilarating reconstruction of how you want to be in the world. A soup-to-nuts, head-to-toe rehabilitation where we go deep to uncover and celebrate the YOU you are now. Life is short. The time is now. Use this opportunity to re-introduce yourself, no apologies, only recognition of how far you have come and an indication of how far you will go.

Contact me at hollygetty@gmail.com for more details and check out my new website below. There are more offerings I will tell you about in the next few weeks.

So if you are not looking forward to getting dressed tomorrow, try this tip. Before you go to bed tonight, pull out three items you have not worn in a year. Hang them in the front of your closet or behind the door, that is it. Tomorrow, those three items will look new, manageable and offer you one new thing to wear.




ps- Do you know your STYLE ICON? We all have one. Next week, I will help you discover your! Happy 4th!

Eli Dagostino

Eli is a former child actor (SNL, Blues Clues), photographer (Vanity Fair, Vogue.it, People) and speaker (Squarespace, MET Museum, MarieTV). Eli now acts as the primary Product Designer on a B2B team at The Knot Worldwide.

Eli is an expert adviser when addressing those wishing to grow their brands.” — Ceylan Conger, B2B Strategy at Meta (former Etsy, Amazon, Squarespace and Spotify)


Who is your Style Icon?


Fashion & 2021